Redian Software, a CRM service provider, holding a CRM training workshop for clients.

To maintain a healthy relationship with your existing, past and future customers is a key to build a successful business. Many of the start-ups manage to have a good interaction and healthy relationships with the customers but a gamut of them fail to maintain and manage relations with the older client, which might be recurring clients as well.

Lack of interaction and a negative relationship with customers break your potential clientele and to in the worst case, may lead to putting the shutters down once for all. To help you out with the situation and make each client of you happy by giving them the deserved importance, there are many CRM development companies besides open source CRM developers.

Open Source CRM:
You must have heard a phrase saying ‘Nothing sales for free’ still we get to hear of many things which are available for free. The reason behind them is either some indirect profit or the limitations. Here are few pros and cons of using a free or open source CRM developers:

Free or low at cost
No constraint of time
Need not to pay for renewal every month

Constrained support
Limited Functions
Can never cater all your requirements

Tips to consider before hiring a CRM development company:

The tips to hire CRM company varies with the need and business of the customer but few things are the basic of it and forms the core. Here are few of the basics which you must look for before getting a CRM software or hire a CRM developer;

a. Productivity of a CRM:
There are a gamut of CRM Development Company in the market and you will find many comprehensive CRMs in term of scale and scope but not all necessarily be easy and smooth to use. There are a few CRM softwares which are complex to work with.

One needs a CRM which can get you more potential customers besides smoothening your sales cycle. Stay a mile away from the softwares which can slow down the process and sales. Look for the ones which may add efficiency to your business and can also make your salesperson more productive by saving their time

b. A SaaS-based solution is preferred more
With the SaaS-based CRMs you get an advanced software at affordable price. Also, since these are hosted by the cloud, you may access all the stored data easily. The upgradation and maintenance of the software are a responsibility of the seller and hence, you remain free from this hassle as well. 41% of the CRMs sold in the year of 2013 was based on SaaS and the review for them was also excellent from the customers.

c. Try Before Buying the Software
No matter how much you get impressed by the software, its features, and reliability. Do not purchase the software before testing it once. The requirements for each company and its employees is different. So, what works for others might not work for you. It is always better to test first before going forward with the investment.

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